Embrace Warwickshire.

Embrace is a charity based in the West Midlands which exists to support female on-street workers.

We have made a couple of videos to use for the promotion of Embrace’s work.

Growing Faith Connections.

This is a short story project showcasing the work of the Growing Faith Foundation.

Growing Faith is the movement that exists to put children, young people and families, instinctively at the heart of all the mission and ministry of the Church by changing the culture of the Church of England.

New Worshipping Communities - Coventry Diocese

Passio Magazine #11

This photoshoot was done for Passio Mag published by Lab/Ora Press. Specifically for the “In Search of a New Life” article; focusing on the work of a Coventry charity called Together for Change and their work with refugees and asylum seekers.

Special thanks to Chris Donald and Paschal Somers.
